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Adult Formation

Church entrance with landscaping and a welcoming door
At All Saints, we believe in a lifelong journey of education, formation, and discipleship. As adults, we can grow ever deeper into Jesus Christ. We offer Bible studies, Sunday classes for adults, parenting classes, community groups, book clubs, and more!

Wondering where you fit in? Check out our regular Friday email (sign up above or below) and Parish Calendar for current mid-week and Sunday morning offerings (search “Adult Groups” or “Bible Study”.) Or contact Father BJ Buracker for information. He can point you in the right direction and match you with a group or study that is right for you. Mid-week classes are mostly in person (some also on Zoom – links are available from Father Matthew, individual study leaders, or from [email protected].)

On-going Mid-week Classes (many classes break for summer)

Ladies Bible Study

Wednesdays | 10:30 a.m. | Library & Zoom

Wednesday Evening Studies

(after parish dinner at 6:00 p.m.)

Parish Bible Study (Job)

Wednesdays | 7 p.m. | Library & Zoom

Philippians Study 

Wednesdays | 7 p.m. | Great Hall

“Conversion & Dostoevsky” 

led by Vika Perchesky

Wednesdays | 7 p.m. | Memorial Hall

Alpha (next session TBD)

Wednesdays | 7:00 p.m.| Great Hall

Chevy Chase Women’s Bible Study

Thursdays | 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. | Library

Sunday Mornings (September – May)

9:15 a.m., during Christian Education Hour

Adult Forum

(Memorial Hall)

Family Formation & Praise

Praise, worship, and an educational presentation during and after breakfast.  Topics include Scripture, faith in daily life, prayer, and more. (Great Hall)

Please see Pastoral Care and Prayer for information on prayer meetings.

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Urgent Notice From All Saints Church

In case of inclement weather: It is All Saints policy to hold all services except in cases of weather emergency; any canceled services will be posted here as soon as possible. Please use caution before traveling. Safety first!