Connect! Newsletter for December/January

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Connect! Newsletter for August
Read the August Parish Newsletter and celebrate God’s goodness with us. In this issue: Enjoy pictures from the All Saints Preschool Summer Camp, Zoom Around the World, the installation of the new organ console, and much more!
Connect! Newsletter for July
Read the latest Parish Newsletter and celebrate God's goodness with us!
In this Issue: Read about and enjoy pictures from our in-person Vacation Bible School in June.
The week was filled with laughter, games, food, activities, Bible stories, and the love of Christ. -
Connect! Newsletter for June
In this issue: Read about - and enjoy pictures from - our Parish Retreat at Sandy Cove; the delightful offerings of our Flower Guild, New Members of All Saints; Pentecost Worship; A Report from the Rangers, Missionaries in Uganda, and more.
Connect! Newsletter for May
Celebrate God’s goodness with us! In this issue: Easter at All Saints, Ukraine Disaster Relief, Organ Refurbishment, and more.
Connect! Newsletter for April
In this issue: Pictures from the latest events at All Saints, including ALPHA at Knollwood Retirement Center, Children’s Ministry on Sunday Mornings, the Blessing of our Altar Vessels and Altar Guild, the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, the Thrift Shop, and more.
Connect! Newsletter for March
In this issue: Hear about glorifying God though music here at All Saints, from participation in the choir, praise music at the Family Table service, and more. Especially note the interview with our Minister of Music, Peter Crisafulli, as he takes us through his own musical and professional journey.
New Rector Search
The last 10 years have been a remarkable period of stability, renewal, and growth under the leadership of Rev. Edward T. Kelaher, who recently departed for North Carolina to be closer to his children and grandchildren. Having defined our mission and strategic priorities, we are prepared to call a new rector who lives and conveys their abiding faith in Jesus Christ.
Connect! Newsletter for February
Celebrate God's goodness with us!
In this issue: Parishioner Spotlight - Why we Love our Small Group; Report from the Rangers, All Saints' missionaries in Uganda; "Then & Now" - an historical retrospective; pictures from Epiphany, student ministry, and more! -
Holiday Outreach at All Saints
Opportunities to serve our neighbors this holiday season are in full swing already! Deadlines come quickly for Thanksgiving service, training for refugee care (Dec. 6), and for Advent Outreach. Click here for details and please join us in sharing the love of Christ with others in our community.