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Lord of All Seasons

Church entrance with landscaping and a welcoming door
Date:  October 1, 2021

This is the turning time, a time of change
in colors, sounds and air.
Chameleon-like, this leaf will shift its hue
in three days time.
Cornstalks shrivel; sunflower heads droop,
resigned to the raids of hovering birds.
Insects grow more raucous, as if to usher out
this waning season’s days with a
sustained celebratory crescendo. Or is
their incessant chorus a dirge for what is passing?
Air is lighter now, purer, paler,
its washed blue a most fluid shade
from the master Painter’s palette.
This is the turning time, a time of change
in colors, sounds and air.
We would cling, if we could,
to bright azure days of a season past,
prolonging the frolic, picnics,
open windows and sweater-less strolls
by fields in flower. But we must let go.
Moth-balled blankets must be aired,
woodpiles stocked and windows closed.
The Lord of all seasons invites us to join
His tour of change in colors, sounds and air.
Come, let us accept His invitation and
see what wondrous new vistas He has in store.

Copyright © by Peggy Eastman, 2021

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