Come Into God’s Presence to Pray

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace. Hebrews 4:16
Dear Parish Family,
When I lived in Scottland, I worked for a temp agency that assigned me to serve food at the Queen’s Garden Party at Holyrood Palace in Edinburgh. I got to serve cucumber sandwiches to a bunch of Lords and Ladies as they mingled with each other and with the Queen herself. Sadly, although I stood only about 50 feet from her majesty’s chair, I never had the chance to speak with her or even stand in her presence.
However, every time I pray – whether in church on Sunday morning or at 6am in bed – I get to stand close before God and converse with the Creator of Heaven and earth. The almighty, most holy God invites me into His presence to pour out my heart before Him. He listens, and He answers.
This weekend, let’s all draw near to the throne of grace. Beginning this Saturday at 9am, the Prayer Team is hosting a 24-hour Prayer Vigil for Missions, where we will pray for our Global Mission Partners, our Local Mission Partners, and our own Mission and Outreach ministries.
All you need to do is sign up for an hour (or more!) to pray. We will email you a prayer guide on Friday night that will give you everything you need for your hour of prayer, including Scriptures, music, artwork, and prayer requests.
Let’s take this opportunity to come into God’s presence to pray for Rev. Bisoke, Bishop Deo, the Rangers, Dr. Sylvia, Little Lights, the Women’s Shelter, Breadcoin, Vacation Bible School, the Thrift Shop, Blessing Bags, and more!
Our King will listen, and He will answer.
In the love of Christ,