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What to Expect for In-person Worship

Church entrance with landscaping and a welcoming door

Update, Summer 2024

We offer the common cup during Holy Communion. Please note that intinction (dipping the wafer into the wine) is permitted. If you or your children dip the wafer, please keep fingers clear of the wine. We encourage all Baptized Christians to partake fully of the Body and Blood of our Lord, in both kinds.

God has blessed All Saints with a diverse group of parishioners, and we want to continue to love and respect all our brothers and sisters in Christ. Thus, as we seek to place the safety and well-being of others above our own and to live out our Kingdom calling to love each other as Christ has loved us, let us appreciate and embrace those who have comfort levels differing from our own.

In order to promote health and safety for all:
Other important items to keep in mind:

Church restrooms are available for use.

Donations may be mailed or given online, as well as collected during services.

Church office/reception hours this summer: Tuesday – Thursday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. with the office closed between 1 and 2 p.m. for lunch.

All Saints Church has consulted a variety of sources and is following best practices as suggested by the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, the State of Maryland, Montgomery County, and the CDC. Thank you for your help as we Share Christ’s Love by gathering safely.

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